Pandemic Cancels Senior Year: What To Do Ripon CA

Newsflash: Pandemic Cancels Senior Year!

Who in a million years would have ever thought this was real, just a little over a month ago? Certainly not me. This terrible virus is wreaking all sorts of havoc for many of us. At it’s worst; we are seeing the illness itself. And in some lesser destruction, COVID19 is causing financial hardships, cancelling vacations, concerts and sporting events.But one group that is taking an emotionally painful blow is high school seniors. Proms and graduations are for the most part cancelled and this group of bright, hopeful young adults is not getting to experience all the joys that come with reaching this important milestone.

My heart is breaking for each and every one of you. I have been lucky enough to photograph a number of high school seniors over the past year and I reached out to a few of you to find out what’s going on in your particular world of quarantine. There is a consensus amongst you that you are missing your friends and playing team sports. And many of you are understandably sad and disappointed to be missing senior activities that you’ve waited for your entire high school career.

When I asked Morgan what fun activity she’s been enjoying she said “Bike rides are one of my new favorite activities! A super cool way to experience Ripon from a different perspective.”

I wanted to know how Erik felt about distance learning. His response? “It has been pretty good. I like how I can finish all my homework for the week in a short amount of time. I have lots of extra time to do what I want.”

And Ariel said, one good thing that has come from all this is “Spending time with family and talking to family that we can’t see right now over zoom.”

These seniors are the face of a new generation that has had to deal with unexpected disappointment, so I’m happy to see an alternative to some of their senior traditions, popping up on lawns and door fronts all over town. Ripon Print Studio is offering senior signs (and 8th grade signs for Ripon Christian Schools) with your name, school name and graduation year, along with your senior photo. Place it on your lawn, or attach to your front door to safely celebrate with family, friends and neighbors. It may not be the end-of-year celebration you planned, but through challenging times and innovations, new traditions are born. Who knows, maybe these special senior signs will become the cool thing to do from now on?

Don’t let your headline be "Pandemic Cancels Senior Year!" Central Valley Seniors can contact Ripon Print Studio to have them create a senior sign celebrating this special time in your life!

To learn more about Rachael Venema Photography contact us today.

(209) 456-9353 or


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